Poetry Salon and Open Mic: Celebrating Womyn Writers in PDX

Well, loud and lovely ladies, this year  and our own homegrown Witchy Wednesday blog column that I just made up both fall on March 21st, which (“witch”) also falls on the second day of spring, and the day after Ostara, the pagan goddess festival of the vernal equinox. This is the perfect time to be taking walks around your neighborhood and inhaling the signs of the spring thaw that are likely gathering everywhere around you.

This is also the perfect time to usher in our new web address ((femaletrouble.blog) and invite you to our very first reading and open mic night co-hosted by those dicks over at Fathom Books. Here are the deets on facebook. Really, you must come. and revel and sip a free drink, y’all. Say hello to Ostara while you support and celebrate all kinds of women writers.

Oh btw, all kinds of genders are welcome to read. ❤



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